Acai Berry


Information On the Great ACAI BERRIES EXTRACT

Today, people have uncovered unlimited natural products in nature to meet our health requirements. Acai berry actually is a great source of nutrition for us from mother nature with undeniable special gains.

The acai palm grows well in swampy areas and floodplains, which makes the Amazon Rainforest a perfect home for it to grow. The trees are more or less 25 meters 80 feet in height and have leaves, which feather out, which are close to 3 meters long. Each tree has bunches of 700 to 900 purple fruits. The shape of an acai berry is similar to a grape. The acai berry fruits are harvested annually. They often harvest them between July and December.

The people in Brazil often use the leaves the acai palm for weaving and basket making. Besides, the wood is used for houses in the Amazon. Moreover, Brazilian herbal medicine also use the oil of the fruit to treat diarrhea. The fruits can also be used medically to treat jaundice, build the blood, and treat fevers. Or to wash skin ulcers, they also use grated fruit rinds. These are just some examples of the ways to use them that have been created from it by the locals. Aside from these uses, the local people still enjoy acai berry for many other benefits.

At present, with the quick exploitation of science and technology, the acai benefits   are researched further, consequently they are finding great health benefits. Scientists have found that the acai berry has upper levels of proteins, fiber, vitamin E, minerals, and important essential fatty acids. Acai's antioxidant concentration is very big, plus acai berry is a precious, non-toxic natural cholesterol controller. It has been shown that it can control prostate enlargement and builds the immune system, fights infection, protects the cardiovascular system.

Every family could enjoy something that contains the acai berry to protect our body and enjoy a beautiful existence.